Red Bull Stratos/ ZENITH/ Felix Baumgartner

Red Bull Stratos/ ZENITH/ Felix Baumgartner

I am right now on site and everything is reagy for Felix's big jump. It is about 6:30 am here and we expect a launch around 7:30 am... However last forecast information announced a 50/50 chance for a launch today....

So is everything goes well, Felix should soon go to the runway where, as is habitual for the experienced pilot before every flight, he will conduct a meticulous inspection of the capsule.
Then in his personal trailer, he will undergo a final medical check, and a compact, state-of-the-art physiological monitoring system will be strapped to his chest to be worn under his pressure suit throughout the mission.
Life Support Engineer Mike Todd will dress Baumgartner in his suit, a painstaking process, and the Austrian will ‘pre-breathe’ oxygen for two hours to eliminate nitrogen from his bloodstream, which could expand dangerously at altitude. Videos will help pass the time as he awaits the announcement that his balloon inflation has begun and he can move to the capsule.
Baumgartner will be strapped into his capsule chair to conduct final instrument checks as directed by Mission Control. Then Capsule Engineer Jon Wells will seal the clear acrylic door. For a several more long minutes of anticipation, Baumgartner will await countdown and, finally, launch...