Genesis in 7 acts - Act III

Genesis in 7 acts - Act III

Act III - It’s time to protect a simple but powerful idea. Lucien Vouillamoz sees the potential, but has no experience of patents. He calls upon his longtime friend, Patrick Berdoz, a serial entrepreneur and business angel highly experienced in the realm of intellectual property and launching innovativeprojects. After verifying the concept and conducting due diligence with his team of engineers, the latter invests the necessary funds for the initial validations of the project and makes his team of specialists available to Lucien. Together, they conduct the prior research and develop the firsttechnical specifications, the first designs, and the preliminary registrations. The results are promising. Patrick continues to finance the entire project. Simultaneously, he contacts his friend Emmanuel Savioz. This specialist in the domain of high-tech start-ups is made responsible for the creation of HYT and raising the funds required to finance a prototype. Patrick also invites him to join him and Lucien in founding and sitting on the board of HYT and its sister company, Preciflex. Thus begins the search for talent to start the watchmaking activities.