7th Forum de la Haute Horlogerie Future in Progress
The Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie is holding its 7th Forum this November 18th in Lausanne. This day of debate and sharing views on the theme "Future in Progress" welcomes speakers from the academic and political worlds.
For its 7th Forum, in keeping with a tradition established throughout previous editions, the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie has chosen a theme that warrants reflection: future in progress. This one day of November 18th, hosted by IMD- Lausanne, provides a special opportunity for professionals in the sector to devote a few hours to horizons beyond watchmaking.
The Forum will consider a question that remains wide open. Whichever way we turn, there can be no ignoring a situation of fragile construction. From a macroeconomic perspective, since the US subprime crisis growth has been uncertain, including in China, with no real opportunities for new growth since the digital revolution. From a social perspective, the gap between rich and poor widens and the flow of migrants continues unabated. Environmental protection, meanwhile, struggles to turn words into action.
How can we envisage a future whose contours remain blurred? The Forum has invited seven experts to answer this question. Harry Cliff is a particle physicist at CERN. Yves Morieux applies the concept of "smart simplicity" to business. Former Prime Minister of Italy Enrico Letta will take stock of Europe and its geo-political situation. Economist Michael Green will present an alternative indicator to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Winter Nie, Professor at IMD, will consider innovation the Chinese way, followed by Tim Harford, columnist for the Financial Times and author of The Magic of Mess. The day will end with explorer Bertrand Piccard, in the midst of his Solar Impulse adventure. The title of his most recent book may well prove to be the most fitting conclusion: Changer d'Altitude.
7th Forum de la Haute Horlogerie "Future in Progress"
IMD, Lausanne, November 18th 2015 www.hautehorlogerie.org